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  • Writer's pictureKiana Browning

10 Days, 10 Characters

I admit that I've been slacking in this drawing lately and now I've 10 days left in the year to finish this for good. After I'm drawing it, though, I plan on making an art vlog talking about my experience and ordeal. I'm hoping to have some levity by talking about my feelings about the shows and games related to the characters in this art. Once that video is made, then I fully put this all behind me and move onto other things and not be held back by it anymore.

On another note, I tried a Lenova tablet to draw at a video game center cafe. Since whenever I'm away from home, I've a strong need to draw which wouldn't have happened when I'm at home. However, the android tablet doesn't have good apps and doesn't work well with my apple stylus. So I've to sell it somehow and I've no experience selling online. I'm just frustrated in general that I've to replace the new tablet with an ipad and hope it has a good vector app to make good t-shirt designs with. Happy holidays, indeed.

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